Nathaniel is holding is nutritional chart.

PLEASE can we open it now?!?

If you already know about it and are ready to buy your chart – click here.  If you want to learn more, read on!

I have FINALLY downloaded the pictures of how we are using our own Today I Ate A Rainbow nutritional chart!  Hopefully this will give you some idea as to how it can be used – and how it takes up a surprisingly small amount of space!

Healthy Eating Made Fun for Kids!

“Today I Ate A Rainbow” is an interactive nutritional chart that makes eating fruits and vegetables fun!  Our chart brings to life the concept of “eating a rainbow”.  By creating a game out of eating healthy – we can make the importance of healthy choices a little easier to swallow!

This chart is meant to be used as a tool to help you establish the very important goal of setting healthy eating habits for your children.  This will turn into a lifelong gift for them to be  able to make healthy food choices and then reaping the benefits of those choices…a healthy body!

A Healthy Nutritional Product To Help Kids Eat A Rainbow!

Sometimes it can be challenging to get children to eat their fruits and vegetables – especially the 5 or more servings a day that is recommended. This chart provides a tangible and fun way for children to track their intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals and powerful phytonutrients.

Many phytonutrients give fruit and vegetables their bright colour… the brighter the better! Our chart is made up of these major colour groups: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Blue-Purple. The different bright colours signify the different phytonutrients that each fruit or vegetable contains, therefore we use the Rainbow colours as a guide to getting a wide range of phytonutrients and nutrients in your children’s diet. Young children don’t need to know what specific nutrients each fruit or vegetable features: this chart makes it really easy for them – they just need to Eat a Rainbow every day!

Today I Ate A Rainbow!

Inside the TIAAR package

This is what you get!

“Today I Ate A Rainbow! TM” is an interactive nutritional chart that makes eating fruits and vegetables fun for your children! Consisting of a colourful rainbow chart and bright cartoon magnets this tool will allow your children to easily track the fruits and vegetables they eat throughout the day.
The package contains the following items:

  • 1 chart
  • 10 square magnets
  • 10 circle magnets
  • 4 achievement magnets
  • 4 fridge magnets
  • 1 grocery list

Are you ready to buy your chart?